Sunday, April 5, 2020

Nutri98 Plant Food Supplement

Nutri98 plant food supplement are complex organic molecules that are formed by ascophyllum nodosum & hydrolyzed proteins influences soil fertility through its effect on the water holding capacity of the soil.

Nutri98 activate the biochemical process in plant and increases the quality and yield of all crops. It helps in improving soil structures and fertility. It helps better root & better shoot development . It helps stimulate beneficial microbial activity in soil . It increase quality and self life of product.


मूंग उत्पादन की उन्नत तकनीक

भारत में मूंग (Moong) ग्रीष्म और खरीफ दोनों मौषम की कम समय में पकने वाली अक मुख्य दलहनी फसल है| मूंग (Moong) का उपयोग मुख्य रूप से आहार में ...