Nature Agrocare & Research Pvt. Ltd. ( NARPL ) is a trusted name in the market. We are Manufacture, Supplier, Exporter and Importer. We offer valuable range of products such as Bio-Fertilizers, Vegetable Seeds and Cattle Feeds. In addition to products, we also provide consultancy for crop diseases, pest control management, weed management and Nutrient management with value added services and top quality products, we support farmers in boosting productivity and improving the soil productivity. Our products are developed from innovative technique and environmentally safe ingredients to bring forth an effective range for the optimum benefits of farmers.
We offer ecofriendly products having no hazardous and chemical side effects. Backed with a team of experts, we deliver complete solution to the patrons by offering products as per their specifications at very affordable prices. Under the energetic, dynamic and experienced supervision of the Technical person, We have gained a reputed position in the market and emerged as a brand known for quality within short span of time.
Our Motto-
Conversion from Chemical farming to Organic farming.
Our Mission-
To offer high quality products and services at competitive price to the agriculture community.
Our Vision-
To bring revolution in agriculture sector by offering a various range a Fertilizer.
Quality Assurance –
We assure the quality of the products which we produced as they are certified & affiliated by government of India. Products are tested for its quality & result from various renowned certifying agencies & government laboratories.
AN ISO 9001:2015 Certified company.
CRISIL Rated Company.
Organic agriculture is a production system that sustains the health of soils, environment and ourself. Plants need Nitrogen, Phosphours and Potassium as well as Micronutrients and symbiotic relationship with fungi and other organisms to grow. The various researches have proven that soil organisms are beneficial to soil fertility. Different varieties of bacteria and fungi cut down chemical effect, organic waste and animal waste into productive soil nutrients. In result farmer gets more yield and better soil.
Biofertilizers are living cells of different types of micro-organisms. These micro-organisms require organic matter for their growth and activity in soil and provide valuable nutrients to the plants in the soil. Bio-fertilizers do not pollute the soil and harmless our human body, hence are environment-friendly.
BIofertilizers :-
Mycorrhiza- Increase the number and length of roots and shoots. 30-50% increase in yield. Helps in increasing the beneficial micro-organisms in the rhizosphere. Improve soil structure and quality. Encourage faster root growth to uptake water and nutrient. Mobilizes primary and secondary nutrients. Makes feeder roots more resistant to infection by soil born pathogens. Enhances uptake of phosphates and many other minerals like Zn, S etc.
NPK Consortia- Solubilise insoluble & complex from of phosphours in soil. Solubilises & Mobilizes the insoluble potassium.Fixes the aerobic nitrogen continuously in all crops. Improve the fertilization of the soil. Increases the production of chlorophyll. Improve Photosynthetic activity. Improves the quality of crops yield , color, appearance and shelf life of fruits and vegetables. Increases the porosity, aeration and water holding capacity of soil. Inducethe tolerance against adverse environmental stress.
Rhizobium- Fixes atmospheric nitrogen and make it available to the plants. Apart from nitrogen fixation, it produce growth promoting substance 10-35% increase in yield. Increase the numbers of root nodules. Increase the seed germination.Increase resistance power of the plant during drought condition. It fixes 50-200 kg N/ha.
Azotobacter- Nitrogen is the most crucial nutrient in the constitution of many vitamin, hormones and chlorophyll. Balance and control the physiological and metabolism activity .10-15% increase in yield. It controls soil born pathogen.Increase the capacity of plant for taking nutrients.Increase seed germination.It fixes 20-25 kg N/ha.
Acetobacter- Promote the sugarcane growth and increase the sugar percentage in yield. Fix the atmospheric nitrogen in root , stem and leaves of sugarcane. 20-30% increase in yield. Helps the plants in better germination.Increase the capacity of plant for taking nutrients. Better root development.Stimulates growth and imparts green colour which is a characteristic of a healthy plant.Encourage plumpness and succulence of fruits and increase protein percentage.It fixes 15-30 kg N/ha
Azospirillum- Fixes atmospheric nitrogen and make it available to the plants. Apart from nitrogen fixation, it produce growth promoting substance. 10-15% increase in yield. Disease resistance. Drought tolerance. Increase the capacity of plant for taking nutrients. Increase seed germination. It fixes 20-25 kg N/ha
Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria – PSB are beneficial bacterial bacteria capable of solubilizing inorganic phosphours fom insoluble compounds. 10-30% increase in yield.Can be mixed with rock phosphate. It increases the root system and provides strength to the plant.Provide enzymes, vitamins and hormones to the plant. It controls soil born pathogen. Increase the capacity of plant for taking nutrients. Increase seed germination.
Zinc Solubilizing Bacteria- ZSB Controls the zinc deficiency diseases. Play an important role in the increased yield of crops. Maintains soil pH and improve quality of crops.
Potash Mobilizing Bacteria- KMB Controls the potash deficiency diseases .Increased capacity for nutrient absorption. Play an important role in the increased yield & quality of crops. Maintains soil pH .
Sulphur Oxidising Bacteria- SOB Controls the sulphur deficiency diseases. It increases the oil content of oil seed crops. Strengthens the Plant by increasing plant root. It increased capacity for nutrient absorption. Play an important role in the increased yield & & quality of crops.
Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria – PGPR are a group of bacteria that enhance plant growth and yield via various plant growth promoting substance as well as biofertilizers . the rhizospheric soil contains diverse types of PGPR communities , which exhibit beneficial effects on crop productivity.
Carrier Based Consortia – Fixes atmospheric nitrogen and make it available to the plants. Apart from nitrogen fixation, it produce growth promoting substance. Solubilises insoluble & complex from of phosphours in soil . Solubilises & Mobilizes the insoluble potassium. Controls the zinc , potash & sulphur deficiency diseases. Improves the fertilization of the soil. Restore the resistance power and immunity in soil root zone area. Encourages faster root growth and uptake of water and nutrients.
Decomposer- Decomposers are organisms that break down dead or decaying organisms, and in doing so they carry out the natural process of decomposition. Bacteria are important decomposers, they are widely distributed and can break down just about any type of organic matter and the bacteria on earth may from a biomass that exceeds that of all living plants and animal. Bacteria are vital in ythe recycling of nutrients and many step in nutrient cycles depend on these organisms.
Biofungicide :-
Trichoderma - Effectively controls root rot/wilt disease in all type of plants. It show antagonistic activity against various plant pathogenic fungi like Fusarium oxysporum, Rhizoctonia solani & sclerotium rolfsii. Also controls nematodes & inncreases crop yield. This can be used for seed treatment & soil treatment.
Phosphate Solubilizing Fungal Bio Fertilizer – Solubilises insoluble& complex from of phosphours in soil. Solubilises micro & macro nutrient in the soil to uptake for plants. Improves the fertilization of the soil. Plant become healthy and fragrant. Improvesresistance power against high temperature and heavy rains. Increases the production of chlorophyll. Improves photosynthetic activity. Improve resistance power of plant leaf & stem.
PGR :-
Growth Promoters - Growth Promoters are the substances derived from natural organic sources and are rich in micro and macro nutrients. It helps in the plant growth and enhances their resistance against various plant diseases and in adverse conditions.
Manure :-
Organic Manure- Organic Manure is the mixture of various organic components like Cow dung, organic waste, animal waste etc. Manure also increases the fertility of the soil. It is excellent soil conditioner.
PROM (Phosphate Rich Organic Manure) - Prom is a type of fertilizer used as an alternative to diammonium phosphate and single super phosphate.
Compost - Compost is organic matter that has been decomposed in a process called composting. This process recyles various organic materials otherwise regarded as waste products and produces a soil conditioner (the compost).
Vermicompost (vermi-compost, vermiculture)- Vermicompost is the product of the decomposition process using various species of worms, usually red wigglers , white worms and other earthworms, to create a mixture of decomposing vegetable or food waste, bedding materials, and vermicast.
Manure is rich in nutrients. It is used, for example, in gardens , Landscaping, horticulture, urban agriculture, and organic farming. The compost it self is beneficial for the land in many ways, including as a soil conditioner, a fertilizer, addition of vital humus or humic acids,and as a natural pesticide for soil. In ecosystem, compost is useful for erosion control, land and stream reclamation, wetland construction, and as landfill cover.
A biofertilizer is a substance which contains living microorganisms which, when applied to seeds, plant surfaces, or soil, colonize the rhizosphere or the interior of the plant and promotes growth by increasing the supply or availability of primary nutrients to the host plant.
Thanks & Regards
Yogendra Singh ,, +91 9826785113